Wednesday, February 8, 2012

WIP Wednesday - Cross Stitch Edition

So, over on LJ in the cross_stitch community, the moderators have been cheering us on for WIP Wednesday since there hasn't been a stitching Olympics/World Cup in a while. Since I finished the Polar Bears, that meant that the Apache Wedding Blessing could move up in the rotation.

Here we are at last glance. Again, 4 years ago... (Hmm...I wonder if I work in 4 year crafting cycles.....)

Apache Wedding Blessing 5
Not too much there, two sides done and some words.

And here we are today, after some marathon stitching since the Polar Bears are done...

Apache Wedding Blessing 6

The center top medallion is about done. Forever ago I totally re-charted the top of the border so there wasn't a medallion thing where the top ribbon is, so when I get to the other side I'm going to have to do something similar. I also have the bottom border to work on, so I think after the center top medallion, I will move to the center bottom and then start working my way up the other side.

Although this isn't one of my 12 for 2012 projects, I'm really excited that I'm making progress on so many things! Look back this weekend to see 12 for 2012 progress and the latest Mystery Present!


  1. This is looking great! I have a just one cross-stitch project, which has been at the same point for about 2.5 years. Maybe one day I'll come back to it...

  2. Wow! That is a TON of progress, way to go! : )
