Sunday, July 8, 2012

Year Three - Week Four: First Local Corn!

Last week had cherries, this week had another long-awaited treat - the official first local sweet corn. It lasted all of 24 hours given that Wednesday was the 4th. It worked perfectly for having the folks over, and served everyone.

Week Four

1 PT blueberries
1 head lettuce
1 bunch chard
2 kohlrabi
2 zucchini
1 yellow summer squash
6 ears sweet corn
1 handful garlic scapes **Last of the Season! :(**

I've used some of this up rather quickly, but most of it is left.

Blueberries: Seriously, I just shovel these in my mouth by the cupful. They don't last long at all.

Lettuce: The usual. (a.k.a. salad, salad, salad)

Chard: The chard was gifted to the folks. Still have some chard left over from a previous week...

Kohlrabi: I was filled with a sense of nostalgia when I saw these. I remember one year when we grew kohlrabi; ironically, I remember growing it, but never remembering what we did with it to eat it. So... I was excited to see it again. Then unsure of how to use it. So, in comes Mark Bittman again - and in comes stir-fry again. So, I already have a lesson for this year - if you don't know what to do with it, make a stir-fry.

Zucchini: Became zucchini boats. Well, 2.5 of them did, the other became a future side dish of zucchini stewed in marinara sauce, yummy.

Sweet Corn: Husked and right on the grill for the 4th. It was so sweet and so tender and so yummy. I hope there is more in the forecast. :)

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